Shining Wisdom Script - Part Six

(upon leaving the shrine, you watch as Alfred wakes up from his sleep)

Alfred Alfred: Oooouugggghhh……..ahhh! I feel great! What a fantastic nap!

Alfred Alfred: Hey, Mars, what were you doing over by the shrine! Looking for spooks?
I daresay you’ll be hard-pressed to find any in Odegan. Nothing of note ever happens here…

(two guards emerge from behind Alfred)


Guard #1: Soldier, we have been sent to collect your report on the happenings of last night.

(Alfred hesitantly turns around to face them)


Alfred Alfred: ……Uh,…Y..yes, Sir! The night was… uneventful…no…uh, disturbances noted…,…Sir.

Guard #2: Hmmm…you’re certain of that, young man? NOTHING happened on your night watch?

Alfred Alfred: Why…y…yes, Sir! Nothing of import or concern was observed on this watch,…uh…right, Mars?


(if no):

Alfred Alfred: What do you mean, Mars? You stated earlier to me, your GOOD friend, that you saw nothing either. You’re jesting, RIGHT?

(if yes):


Alfred Alfred: Hehe…<gulp>…uh, see? Just as I said initially. Nothing of import or concern was observed during our watch last night.

Guard #1: This is fantastic news. The King will be overjoyed to hear this! You must go to his audience chamber at once to tell him what you just told us!

Alfred Alfred: Huh? This news of no import will make the King happen? I…… I’m afraid I don’t understand…

Guard #2: It will all become clear when you arrive…
Oh! And you too, Mars. The King will want to see you as well. Be on your way, then! The King awaits…

(guards leave)


Alfred Alfred: Thanks for covering me back there, Mars! If the guards knew that I had fallen asleep on my watch, I would have been severely punished! You saved my neck, and I won’t soon forget it…but we’d better hurry and go to the King. Follow me!